Saturday, October 17, 2015

Dear Mom I

I am going to start something new called "Dear Mom". It is going to be things I wish I could tell my Mom now or things that remind me of her that made me want to call her, etc.

Dear Mom,

I have been thinking about you a lot this week. No real reason why that I can think of. Tonight I went on a Paranormal Pub Tour with S, her husband and R. It wasn't like a ghost hunt. It was more of an informative tour I guess you'd say. The guide told us a lot about some of the oldest buildings in downtown Houston and some stories about people dying in certain buildings and reports of their ghosts still being there. I just had a good time and it made me think a lot of you. Last weekend we went to Renfest and oh my goodness, so much of that place reminds me of growing up. Even the smells. It made me think of you and just smile. How non-traditional our childhood was but yet so fascinating and fun when I think about it. I'm glad you were my Mom and now that I'm older there is so much I realize you had to do and deal with and I am truly grateful. and sorry for being a bratty teenager because I know I was hard to deal with. I remember you were about 28 or 29 when you dyed your hair black. I remember it being black with a purple hue. This week I dyed my hair for the first time ever and for some reason it made me think of you and when you dyed yours. It was a hard adjustment for me to see you go from very blonde to such dark hair. But now it's one of the ways I remember you most.

So...I just miss you and things make me think of you often. <3

I love you so much.

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