Thursday, January 30, 2014

Off to college, yes you went away, straight from high school, you up and left me...

So, the semester started and I am as unmotivated as it gets.
On top of that, my stomach problems are occurring more often and are worse and I have also been having LOTS of tooth pain, which I can nothing about since I have NO insurance right now.
That is the 1 thing I am looking forward to after graduation.
I'm going to be like "BRING ON THE INSURANCES!"

So, I'm trying to get on the ball and do what I'm supposed to do...but it's just not feeling easy for me.
I'm missing Mom A LOT.
I kinda felt this way last Spring semester and I even found Facebook messages where I was talking to her about how I was feeling.
She would encourage me and say "Getting out of bed is the first step."

This week it was announced that her favorite band: Mötley Crüe is having their farewell tour.
I ALWAYS wanted us to see them together and she was really mad at me for taking my boyfriend in 2011 instead of her.
I told myself I'd get another chance to take her one day and now I won't.
I contacted my Dad because he and my mom both loved Mötley Crüe when I was growing up and I have such good memories tied to their music and I love them as well.
So we're going to try to go together.
I don't want to make that same mistake again.
Dad and I love seeing live music together, so I really hope we get to see them.

Today (the date I started writing this post 1/30) is officially 100 days until graduation.
I need to step up my game or else I will not be graduating...

Last Thursday it snowed here, which is pretty uncommon for this part of Texas and we were ecstatic.
I really wanted to call Mom and tell her about it.
There's so much I want to tell her.
There's so many times I want to call her.
I haven't dreamed about her since like, last June I think and I hate that.
I wish she would come visit me in my dreams or something.
I hate death. 
I hate how final it is.

I've been very sick this week and I had to leave work early yesterday. I tried to stick it out for my entire shift, but it became really hard once I started running fever.
I know in the real adult world you have to go to work even when you're I was trying to be adult about it.
Eventually I was just laying my head against the wall accomplishing nothing.

There are times where I watch movies and stuff about the dead coming back and it makes me so very sad.
Especially in Vampire Diaries.
I guess that is all I really have to say.
I really miss my Mom.

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